
Doronicum caucasicum (Leopard's Bane) -4 plants

$40.00 $32.00

4 large Doronicum caucasicum (Leopard's Bane). To 45 cms. Large daisy like flowers in spring. Moist but well-drained soil. Sunny border, light shade or woodland garden. Winter dormant.

Fragaria 'Lipstick' - 5 plants

$45.00 $40.00

5 potted Fragaria ‘Lipstick’ plants. Ornamental Strawberry). To 15 cms. Bright lipstick-red flowers from spring onwards. Small bright red, edible strawberries. Sun or part shade. Evergreen.

Geranium cinerum var. subcaulescens - 5 plants

$50.00 $40.00

5 potted Geranium subcaulescens plants. Bright magenta pink. Low growing and clump forming. Sun. Good drainage. Rockery.

Anemone nemerosa Mixed - 5 plants

$50.00 $45.00

5 potted Anemone nemerosa plants. Mixed varieties May include white, blue shades, pale pink, lemon or yellow. Ground cover for borders, rock gardens, tubs and in masses around the base of trees. Prefers semi shade and rich, well-drained soil. May go dormant from summer with hot weather. Winter dormant.

Primula florindae - 4 plants. Apricot/cream shade.

$40.00 $36.00

4 potted Primula florindae plants – Apricot/cream. ;60 cms+. Beautiful fragrant scented flowers. Light shade and moist soil. Suitable for moist areas and around ponds. Winter dormant.

Primula 'Kinlough Beauty' - 5 plants

$60.00 $50.00

5 potted Primula ‘Kinlough Beauty’ plants. Alpine. To 20 cms. Pink flowers with a yellow eye from spring to summer. Light shade. Winter dormant.