(May Apple). To 30 cms. Trillium like mottled leaves that are deeply lobed. White/pink flowers followed by a large red tomato-like fruit. Moist peaty soil and part to full shade. Part shade. Winter dormant.
COLLECT OCTOBER ONWARDS.To 1.5 metres. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils . Grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. Moist soil. Winter dormant.
To 80 cms. Long arching stems of slender bottlebrush like flowers in summer, that are a lovely rosy red colour. Sun. Clump forming habit. Winter dormant.
Perennial Poppy. To 70 cms. Really large, salmon pink flowers late spring/early sumer-very stunning. A light flowering usually in autumn. Clump forming, ground cover. Sun. Easy to grow. Winter dormant.
Pretty with deep golden-yellow flowers with a red flush. Spring flowering and a light second flowering late summer/autumn. Sun or partial shade. Semi-dormant in winter.