To 1 metre. Clumps of dark green leaves with deep burgundy edges and colouring. Large heads of bright cerise-purple scented flowers in summer. Sun to light shade. Winter dormant. May need collected or trimmed at times.
Height to 90 cms. Large heads of fragrant purply flowers in summer. Sun or light shade. Clump forming ground cover. Winter dormant. NEEDS COLLECTED FROM MID SEPTEMBER
To 90 cms. Long spikes of double white flowers in summer. Sun to part shade. Winter dormant.
Rare. Abundant lavender pink hooded flowers on dark burgundy stems from late spring to summer. Specimen plant. Sun and well drained soil with medium moisture. Tolerates some drought. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Winter dormant.
May need trimmed from November for courier purposes. To 90 cms. Creamy white with prominent yellow hafts. Unnamed but beautiful flowers in summer. Clump forming. Sun and good drainage.