
Coreopsis verticillata - 5 pieces


5 pieces of Coreopsis verticillata. Best sent autumn to winter - may be trimmed back. Yellow daisy-like flowers in early summer. Sun or partial shade. Well drained soil. Goes dormant with frosts.

Coreopsis verticillata


To 40 cms. Bushy rhizomatous perennial with numerous branched stems. Bears yellow daisy like flowerheads in loose corymbs in early summer. Sun or part shade, well drained soil. Winter dormant.

Convallaria majalis


Lily of the Valley). 2 shoots per pot - large pips. Height to 20 cms. Highly fragrant hanging white bells late spring. Lance shaped leaves. Part shade, moist. Winter dormant.

Cimicifuga racemosa


(Bugbane). To 1.2 metres.. Tall wands of creamy white bottle-brush flowers are held high above bright green, lacy foliage from mid-summer onwards. Splendid for cutting! Bugbanes prefer a moist, rich soil, away from hungry tree roots. Will tolerate full sun in cool summer regions, otherwise be sure to protect from hot afternoon sun. Winter dormant.

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium


Alpine succulent. To 15 cms. Unusual dangling yellow flowers with fleshy leaves which change colour from mid-green to red. Grow in containers, rockeries and over rock walls. Dappled shade and good drainage. Clump forming. Winter dormant.

Cephalaria gigantea


(Giant yellow Scabious). 1.3 to 1.9 metres. Large, showy, 6cm wide lemon-coloured flowers in summer. Deadhead to promote more blooms. Attracts insects. May need staking. Cut well back at end of flowering period. Sun and well drained soil. Suits back of border or cottage gardens. Winter dormant.

Centaurea simplicifolia


Low growing. Grey foliage. Pinkish/lavender flowers on short stems. Sun and good drainage. Alpine.

Centaurea pulcherrima


Height to 40 cms. Grey green feathered foliage with large pink flowers. Sun. Winter dormant.

Centaurea montana 'Alba'


Beautiful white perennial Cornflower. Seldom available. Height to about 40 cms. White spidery flowers from spring. Sun to light shade. Often winter dormant.