
Dicentra spectabilis Goldheart Pink


Height 30 to 60 cms.  Golden, fern-like foliage. Pink Bleeding heart flowers in spring. Winter dormant.

Geranium macrorrhizum - 5 pieces


5 barerooted pieces. (Big Root Geranium). Cransebill. Height to 45 cms. Rope like rhizomes that barely need to touch the ground. Aromatic spicy foliage that is rounded, lobed and divided. Evergreen with small pink flowers in spring. Nice ground cover and suits edging for shady area.

Ourisia coccinea


Rare sell-out variety. Height to 30 cms. Stunning. Large, long, tubular red flowers in summer. Shade. Consistent moisture but well-drained soil. Winter dormant.

Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon' - 5 pieces


5 pieces of this taller hardy perennial that is a useful ground cover.  Height to about 90 cms. Lovely unusual foliage. Pointy, heart-shaped leaves that are medium green with a silvery V-shaped marking and a bronze centre. Sprays of tinyy white flowers late summer to autumn. Part or full shade is best. Winter dormant- may be trimmed back.

Reineckia carneo


Height to 20 cms. Evergreen ground cover for open woodland or around shrubs. Moist shade. Light pink flowers followed by red berries. Glossy rich foliage.

Rodgersia podophylla


60cms tall. Great architectural plant for moist, humus rich soil and some shade. Striking bronze coloured leaves in spring, going dark green through summer, then turning red in autumn. Masses of tiny creamy white flowers, sometimes flushed pink or red.