10 pieces of Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley), with large sized shoots. Height to about 20 cms. Highly fragrant hanging white bells late spring. Lance shaped leaves. Part shade, moist. Winter dormant.
5 barerooted pieces. Height to 20 cms. Evergreen ground cover for open woodland or around shrubs. Moist shade. Light pink flowers followed by red berries. Glossy rich foliage.
5 pieces of this dwarf Stachys that will be sent barerooted in damp newspaper in a plastic bag to conserve moisture. Height to about 20 cms. Whirled, stiff spikes of unusual deep purply pink flowers in summer. Ideal for sunny border or rockery or edging.
5 large pieces with a good shoot. (Toad Lily). Beautiful orchid-like flowers in autumn. White with purple spots. Moist soil. Great for shady woodland or perennial border. Well-drained, rich, moist soil. Coded as Number 8. Winter dormant.
5 barerooted pieces. White blooms speckled with violet in spring. Heart shaped leaves. Edible. Winter dormant.
20 pieces. Deep green, glossy, arrowhead leaves. Long-tailed, brown and white flowers that suggest mice doing handstands in the greenery. Ground cover. Part shade. Goes dormant in hot weather. Winter dormant.