Rare sell-out variety. Height to 30 cms. Stunning. Large, long, tubular red flowers in summer. Shade. Consistent moisture but well-drained soil. Winter dormant.
(Burning Bush). Plants are 2 years old. Mature plants are up to 90 cms in height. Purple-mauve flowers with darker veins early summer, highly fragrant lemon scented leaves. A beautiful plant when in flower and a favourite of mine. Lovely as specimen plant where you can brush past it. Usually take 4 years to flower. Winter dormant.
(Large flowered Bellwort). To 40 cms. Large showy yellow flowers spring/early summer. Average to rich soil in part shade in a formal flower garden, wildflower garden, woodland or along a shady walkway. Winter dormant.
Unnamed but very pretty taller variety with lovely pale creamy lemon flowers. Seems to start flowering when quite short. Sun and good drainage. Winter dormant.
Commonly called Double Primrose. Beautiful double, lavender flowers in spring. Height to about 18 cms. Some shade best.