Gypsophila 'Letchworth Rose'

Height to 20 cms. Rose pink flowers. Ground cover. Great for rockery or over edging. Superior variety.

Height to 20 cms. Rose pink flowers. Ground cover and great for rockery or over edging. Superior variety. Sun and good drainage. 

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Campanula rotundifolia


(Bluebells of Scotland). Height to 25 cms. Graceful, nodding, mauve-purple bells in early summer. Ideal for edging, containers and rock gardens. Sun. Winter dormant.

Salvia x jamensis 'Raspberry Royale'


Height to 70 cms. Stunning raspberry-purple flowers from late spring, over many months. Sun and good drainage.

Salvia x jamensis 'Riverton Red'


To 70 cms. Purple red flowers in summer - very long flowering. Highly fragrant, attracts bees. Sun and good drainage.

Salvia Bright Red


An unanmed Salvia but think it is Salvia jamensis - a good red colour. Height 70 cms. Sun. Good drainage.