20cm. Dwarf with dainty purplish/wine blooms with contrasting soft-lemon corolla. Lovely. Winter dormant.
To 70cms when in flower. An unusual and captivating perennial bearing a lengthy display over the warmer months of deep crimson, pin-cushion style flowers. Particularly suited to informal drifts of 2-3 plants in mixed or wildflower gardens. Attractive to butterflies and useful as a cut flower for fresh floral arrangements. Sun. Winter dormant.
(False Granny's bonnet). To 40 cms. Graceful, nodding flowers in shades of pink/wine purple/violet, from late springto summer. Finely divided ferny-like foliage. Suits damp bright woodland areas, edging or rock garden. Suitable for areas with morning sun or shade. Winter dormant.
A taller and very beautiful variety with the palest lavender/pink flowers. Sun or light shade. Winter dormant.
Perennial Poppy. To 70 cms. Really large, salmon pink flowers late spring/early sumer-very stunning. A light flowering usually in autumn. Clump forming, ground cover. Sun. Easy to grow. Winter dormant.